Over two decades of experience in Human Resources Marina brings more than 10 years of talent attraction and headhunting experience to her role. She has extensive expertise in Technology, Health and Pharma, Consulting and Professional Services, Wine, Construction, Wind turbines, Advertising, Media and Fintech industries.  Prior to joining Ackermann International, she worked with another international […]

Mónica de Prada

Solid experience in the Executive Search and a recognized specialization in Oil & Gas, Energy, Mining, Construction, IT, Automotive and Manufacturing. Before joining Ackermann International, Mónica has held different positions of responsibility such as Country Manager or Executive Manager in recruitment firms. And before that, he worked as an engineer in planning and purchasing areas […]


More tan 10 years in Executive Search and 20 as Human Resources Head Federico holds a bachelor´s degree in Industrial Relations from Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico) and Business Diplomas from Babson College (Boston) and IPADE (Mexico). He has more than 20 years of experience holding senior management positions as Human Resources Head for large national and […]

Lorenza Forastieri Muñoz

More than 15 years of experience in Executive Search Senior Executive with more than 15 years executive search experience across a wide range of corporates in a variety of industries and markets such Construction, Financial, Sales, Agrochemical, Industry, NGO’s, Transport and Logistic. Expert in building, leading and developing high performance teams; talent acquisition; executive career […]

Javier García Ibáñez

Javier García Ibáñez Ackermann International

More than ten years of experience in Executive Search Degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga and Masters in Human Resources at the University of Comillas. Javier has more than ten years of professional experience in Human Resources, focusing primarily on international staff in many areas. He has extensive experience in Logistics, Travel & […]

José Luis Ortega Rodríguez

Jose Luis Ortega Rodríguez

[vc_row css_animation=»» row_type=»row» use_row_as_full_screen_section=»no» type=»full_width» angled_section=»no» text_align=»left» background_image_as_pattern=»without_pattern»][vc_column width=»1/4″ el_class=»ackprofiles2″ css=».vc_custom_1504193741479{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}»][vc_single_image image=»359″ img_size=»medium» qode_css_animation=»» qode_hover_animation=»zoom_in» css=».vc_custom_1504195691531{margin-bottom: 15px !important;}»][vc_column_text el_class=»team-cargo»]Partner Director Mexico[/vc_column_text][icon_list_item icon_pack=»font_elegant» fe_icon=»icon_phone» icon_type=»transparent» title_font_weight=»400″ title=»+52 55 1209 0698″ icon_size=»20″ title_size=»16″][icons icon_pack=»font_elegant» fe_icon=»icon_mail» size=»fa-lg» type=»normal» position=»left» link=»» target=»_self» icon_hover_color=»#9b9b9b»][/vc_column][vc_column width=»3/4″ el_class=»ackprofiles»][vc_column_text css=».vc_custom_1504195770026{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}»] More than 10 years of experience in Executive Search […]

Antonio Catena

Antonio Catena Ackermann International

More than 20 years of experience in Executive Search. IT, Telecom, Energy, Engineering and Construction specialist. Professional entrepreneur, expert in Negotiating, Outplacement, Business Planning, Entrepreneurship and Business Development. Antonio has a solid career path of more than 20 years of experience in Executive Search, national (Spain and Mexico) but also in an international level, in the […]